Our First Time on Bennett Pass and Barlow Trail

Heather and I went up with Matt and his wife and family to go run Bennett Pass and the Barlow Trail on the east side of Mount Hood down to Tygh Valley.

There are a lot of huge views of Mount Hood on Bennett Pass Trail.  We love these views and can’t wait to go back again soon.

Driving along on the trail with Mount Hood in the background.

Our little 4runner does great on this trail.

Behind the truck is Mount Jefferson, Three Finger Jack, The Three Sisters, and maybe Diamond Peak is even visible.

Our truck looks awesome with the top down.

This road is so much fun!

This little log was very naughty to our truck.


This particular nub caused a double sidewall puncture on one of our tires.



The puncture was much too severe to trail repair.

Luckily Matt and I put the spare on in short order onto the truck and away we went!

Going through the little rocky notch.


There’s that big mountain through the window!

On the dry side of the mountains, we went past this neat old abandoned house.

This old seed planter was rusting away in the weeds by the house.

After we passed by the house, the trail got much dustier and we stopped taking pictures.  We ended up looping back up Barlow Trail and back to Government Camp to get over to the Willamette Valley once more.

Cascade Peaks Wayside


Mount Hood in the distance to the south.


Mount Rainier looming large to the north.


The old boarded up visitor center at the Cascade Peaks Wayside.

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Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade peaks.

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