The RAMROD riders stopped at Reflection Lakes to take in the view of Mount Rainier. As was promised by the RAMROD ride leader, the mountain cloaking device was on. We did see some very pretty clouds though.

PC800s and friends in the parking area.

The lakes still had a great deal of ice on them for being the end of June.
I jumped over the wall and started wandering around in the snow.

The mountain should be up there somewhere.

RAMROD riders taking a break.

Mountain wildflowers along the road.

An awesome siren and PA speaker mounted to an older Goldwing.

Yes, that is a lower spoiler on a 1989 PC800! This is the only one that I have ever seen in person. I think that it really looks sharp on the bike. It’s too bad that they are so rare otherwise I might purchase one for my bike.

A closer view of the lower spoiler or valiance (as I have also heard it called). Note the custom lettering on the rear trunk lid. Yes, it says “Princess.” There is also an interesting radio antenna mount off of the right rear crash bar.

A side view of the radio antenna.

I love the custom lettering!

This particular PC800 also had an interesting highway peg installed.

An aftermarket intercom unit installed in the left side glove box pocket.

The whole RAMROD crowd in one shot.