Correct naming procedures for women on the prowl based on age

My friend Sarah and I were discussing the correct naming procedure for women on the prowl (usually for younger men, but in the 30 and under age group, often for older men) based on age.  I’m sure that others have come up with similar lists, but we were having fun anyway.  We came up with the following list:

  • under 18: Jail Bait, sick, and wrong.
  • 18 – finishing college (call it 22/23): Kitten
  • 22/23-30: Lynx
  • 30-40: Bobcat
  • 40-50: Cougar
  • 50-60: Minx  (Sarah suggested we call this age group “Saucy Minx.”)
  • 60-70: Grizzly
  • 70-whenever: Kodiak

If you have any additional or alternate naming schema, leave a comment!