Last Morning at Nelson Lake

After another night well below freezing, we woke up and had a nice, warm campfire before packing up.  It was time to leave Nelson Lake.

Steam rising on the lake.

After the sun came up and melted off the frost, we said our goodbyes to Nelson Lake and headed down the trail.

One last look at Nelson Lake.

Back at the wilderness boundary on our way out to the car.  It was a great few days of backpacking, hiking, and camping with my parents just like we used to do when I was young.

Around Nelson Lake

Walking across the meadow at Nelson Lake after coming back down from Nelson Mountain.

Enjoying some warm drinks around the campfire as the cold night air comes in.

Getting ready for the sunset.

Morning at Nelson Lake

Early morning on Nelson Lake.  It got very cold overnight (maybe 12F).  There was a huge cloud of steam rising off of the center of the lake, drawing air in from the surrounding area.  It was a beautiful sight.

Looking up toward the ridge in front of Nelson Mountain.

Sun reaches the meadow by our campsite.  Everything was covered in heavy frost.

In the winter, the surface of this lake freezes but the fish in the water survive in deep pools.