Mount Evans with Nikos and Neal

20150811_084734Heather, Nikos, Neal, and I went up to see the top of Mount Evans after having some great pancakes.  There were many animals along the road on the way up.

20150811_084812They cross the road whenever they want and wherever they want.

20150811_085526At the top looking south.


20150811_085822Looking east.

20150811_090028_Richtone(HDR)Mountain goats by the bathrooms.

20150811_090725_Richtone(HDR)Goats on the edge of forever.

20150811_090754_Richtone(HDR)Looking north.

20150811_092147The observatory.

20150811_092725On the top!

20150811_092835_Richtone(HDR)Neal and Heather hanging out.

20150811_093836Me and Nikos on the summit.

20150811_095524A baby goat and a marmot!

20150811_102200Flowers down at the lake below Mount Evans.


20150811_104056_Richtone(HDR)Looking down at the Chicago Lakes Basin.
