Old Growth Trail, Soap Creek, and Sushi with Melissa

Melissa and I went on a hike yesterday through the patch of old growth forest that the College of Forestry has built a trail through



Yeah, that’s a tree.

We stopped by the pond full of newts.

And then went on a drive down Soap Creek.  It’s gorgeous out there this time of year.


Afterward we went for some sushi.  The rainbow roll was my favorite on this sushi boat.


Old Growth Trail with Cory

A couple of weekends back, Cory and I went for a hike on the Old Growth trail in the McDonald Dunn Forest.  It was an absolutely gorgeous walk.  And almost devoid of people.  That’s a nice change for what normally would be a busy trail.

We found an old quarry pond with oodles of salamanders (or more likely poisonous newts.  Thanks Sean!).