Heading out of Grand Lake, we decided to go up over Stillwater Pass on a gravel Forest Service road.

Driving a Subaru on a gravel road is really fun.

Amazingly beautiful scenery abounds!

Winding up toward the pass.
We encountered a bit of shelf road getting close to the summit of the pass. It was a bit exciting driving over this part in my lowered Subaru.
Here’s some video from the shelf road.

Beautiful wildflowers in the woods.

These beautiful meadows were all over the place in the mountains.

Filled with wildflowers!

Rougher section of road.

Beautiful views.

There are lots of beetle-killed trees in this area.

We spotted a deer down in a creek bottom some distance from the road.

Big rocky outcroppings on the horizon.

Heather with my Subaru. It recently came back from the shop after it was hit while parked in front of our townhouse over a month ago. The shop did an excellent job putting everything back together again.

A lush creek bottom.

Heading down some rutted road.

A big valley opened up in front of us as we got close to the paved highway.
Goodbye Stillwater Pass Road! We had a grand time driving on you.