After a week in Seattle for work, I hopped on a plane and flew back to Monterey via SFO. There was a lot of good landmark spotting from the plane including the fault at Point Reyes.
The personal and professional website of Douglas Van Bossuyt
After a week in Seattle for work, I hopped on a plane and flew back to Monterey via SFO. There was a lot of good landmark spotting from the plane including the fault at Point Reyes.
My parents decided to sell the farm in Newberg and move down to their property in Dinkey Creek full-time. I went back up to Spring Creek Llama Ranch for one last visit and to help them move to California. I’ll miss the summertime hot air balloons.
Looking down into the living room with the last few boxes to go out to the truck.
The spider plant on the stairs. We took a couple clippings of it and left the plant for the new owners.
Looking out into the forest from the upstairs.
My mom’s music room. I also used to play in here when I was a kid.
Looking up at the house from the forest.
The house from the barnyard.
The little area outside the kitchen. This is bird central.
I love this old oak tree and the dogwood tree.
Looking out from the daylight basement. I lived down here for a few years.
The back patio. I spent a lot of nice afternoons out here.
Looking down into the pasture from my old bedroom on the main floor.
This is what you see when you walk in through the front door. What a great view!
I love these pretty plants by the front door.
A nice forest view from the back patio.
Walking through the forest on the road up to the farm.
The WEB Trestle on the old Southern Pacific railroad line that goes up Rex Hill.
This trestle has a soft spot in my heart.
Walking up the driveway into the pastures.
Looking at the trestle from the forest.
On the railroad tracks below the farm. Willamette and Pacific Railroad runs a high rail truck every week on the tracks to maintain the right of way but they haven’t run a real train over the tracks in almost 20 years. Maybe someday there will be commuter rail service to Yamhill County over this line.
More hot air balloons over Newberg.
The grapes are ripening on the vines at Rex Hill Vineyard just across the railroad tracks from the farm. I sure will miss this place.