Neskowin for Lunch

We headed over to Neskowin for lunch and to check out Proposal Rock.  There’s a great little cafe by the creek.



Here are the two of us!

Heather let the sand get to her toes.  It’s a nice feeling being on the beach.


Having lunch.  The pizza there is quite good.

Navigation Challenge in the Nestucca River Area

We headed out to the Nestucca River area to do a navigation challenge with some folks from PDX Overlanders.

There are some fun trails in this part of the forest.

Nice and muddy.

Out on a logging landing.

Another beautiful area to go through.

The gang I went with trying to figure out where to go next.

Our Albino Rhino enjoys the Nestucca River area!


Taking Down a Tree Behind the House

One of the big trees behind the house had started to uproot in a storm earlier in the year.  We finally had to have it removed.  It took some work to get it down safely.



The tree company we hired removed it section by section to avoid hitting the house.

Afterward my father worked on sawing up the sections into manageable chunks that could be chopped into firewood.


Then we split it all and stacked it for firewood for the coming winter.