Wine Tasting at Sokol Blosser

We went out to Sokol Blosser to do some wine tasting on a lovely fall day as the grape leaves turned golden in the afternoon sun.

A few grapes escaped the crush.

The trusty old vineyard tractor with a load of crushed grapes waiting to go out and be spread on the fields.

Fully juiced.

The Red Hills above Dundee are so beautiful.

Wine with the vines.

If there’s anywhere to spend a fall day, it’s at Sokol Blosser.

Driving Through the Eagle Creek Fire

On our way back from Courtney and Matt’s wedding, we drove through the Columbia Gorge just a few hours after they opened the west-bound lanes for traffic.  The Eagle Creek Fire has been raging through the Gorge for a while and we were pretty surprised they let us drive through.

The fire is just a few hundred feet away through the trees at this point on the road.

We actually saw flames all the way down to the eastbound lanes.

There were fire crews parked all over the place on the eastbound lanes working on the blaze while we drove through.  Crazy!

Black Hole Sun – The Great American Eclipse

We went out to a ranch outside of Dallas, Oregon to watch the Great Oregon Eclipse with Jesi and Brent.  There were about 80 or so people gathered together for a grand time watching the eclipse.

This was easily one of the top five experiences I’ve had with a natural phenomena.  The sky progressively became darker, the wind became still, and the air became cold.

Everything began to grow dark.  There were several high altitude aircraft circling overhead that started heading east along the path of the eclipse as soon as totality began.

Just prior to totality, we noticed these little half moon suns under the trees.  We also witness the shimmering effect on white surfaces around us just as the eclipse reached totality.

Here it comes!

Black hole sun.  What an amazing phenomena.

Total eclipse of the heart.