Camp El-O-Win Visit

We went over to Camp El-O-Win to check on a few things and walk around the camp.

Some beautiful blue stain siding that went up on a building recently.

The bridge that joins both sides of the camp together.  There used to be a suspension bridge here but it’s long gone and now replaced by this metal bridge.

The dining hall at the center of camp.

Looking over toward the camp manager’s cabin.

Making Lumber


Back on the property at Forked Meadow, great stacks of sugar pine and white pine lumber are laying around.  The pine beetle infestation and drought have killed off almost all of the stately pines in the area.  To reduce fire danger, we cut them down and turn them into lumber for building projects.


At one of the landings where we stage the wood.  The blue stain from the fungus that the pine beetles carry makes pretty wood but also kills the trees.

Just look at that beautiful wood.


Heading down with another set of corral boards.


These big slabs will make great countertops.

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There is that blue stain.

Upper McKinley Grove


We went over to check out the Sequoia Gigantea in McKinley Grove.


These huge trees have been here a very long time and will be here much longer.

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My dad in the trees.

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These sugar pine trees are dying due to the drought.

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My mom in the trees.

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Flowers in the understory.

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An old burned out trunk.

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Back down in the lower grove.

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