The Kitties of January

Poofy and Oliver continued their hijinks in January. Poofy has really come to love catnip but does not love going to the vet. Sunny’s painting that Heather made several years ago watches over the other cats. Oliver continues to want to be best friends with Poofy but Poofy continues to not want to be acquaintances. We’ve been letting Poofy outside more to walk around in our downstairs garden area.

December kitty shenanigans

Poofy and Oliver are keeping us busy in December! We’ve been letting Poofy wander around on the deck and by the house since she can’t move very fast. We’ve let Oliver out a few times with our supervision on a harness. But in general… shenanigans.

October kitties

Here are the glamour shots of Poofy and Oliver for the month of October! Poofy continues to agitate for being an only child again while Oliver only wants to be best friends with Poofy.