The Kitties of September

Here are some photos of Poofy and Oliver coexisting (or not!) during September. I also slipped in a few photos of some illustrations my great aunt made of cats. Those illustrations are now hanging on one of our walls. They do bear a resemblance to Poofy and Oliver!

Poofy and Oliver August Hijinks

Poofy and Oliver have been really enjoying their new house. They are getting along a little better although Poofy continues to want to get rid of Oliver so she can be an only cat. Oliver continues to want to be her best friend.

We got Oliver a “Ripple Rug” which has been a big hit. We can set it up like a cave or fort for him to be inside of. There are a bunch of holes in the rug so he can see out and reach his paws out to swat at toys.

Poofy has been enjoying catnip lately and we have a small rug setup as a catnip station for her and Oliver.

The kitties in our lives

Poofy and Oliver are quite the pair in our house. Poofy would like nothing more than for Oliver to be thrown back out on the streets of Monterey while Oliver would like nothing more than to be best friends with Poofy.