Flight Back to Port Vila and Sydney

The airport in Tanna is a pretty simple open-air affair.

The pickup that brought me back to the airport.  Yes, he parked on the grass.  Yes, there was a parking lot just to the right of the picture.  No, I have no clue why he felt it necessary to park on the grass when other vehicles were parking in the lot.

The landing strip and pad.

A little door goes through to the departures lounge.

We flew back on an old beat-up 18 seat airplane.

I sat directly behind the pilots.  No safety briefing happened in this plane!

And away we go back to Efate Island.

The boat from Port Vila on the way to Tanna.  The crossing takes about 14 hours in good conditions.  Some hearty souls take this option to go to Tanna.

Another island.

Coming into Port Vila.  The harbor and marina are in between the two bits of land.

After spending a few hours drinking Tusker, the local beer, I boarded a flight back to Sydney.  Goodbye Vanuatu!  I hope to return someday soon!

Port Vila Day Four

One of the two guard dogs and family pets at Nautilus Watersports gnawing on a coconut near the boat docks.

The weather was hot and rainy.  Underwater it was just fine though.

The central market in Port Vila.

Downtown Port Vila.

An awesome old WWII jeep for sale.

Port Vila Day Three

The yacht club in Port Vila with some power boats tied to the wharf.

Bungalows at a private resort on a small island on the other side of the harbor from Nautilus Watersports.

A landing craft loading up for a trip to somewhere.

This is the biggest, tallest building in all of Vanuatu.

Looking back into the harbor.