PC800 Rat Rod: The PC800 Mad Max Edition

William Bozza from the PC800 FB group recently posted these images of his PC800 Mad Max Edition bike that he saved from the scrappers. As our beloved Honda Pacific Coast PC800 motorcycles become long in the tooth, some of them end up getting stripped of their valuable plastics and then broken apart for sale as parts on eBay and elsewhere. This bike was headed in that direction before William rescued it and made this wonderful homage to the Mad Max franchize. His words describing the bike are below

Wats up guys thanks for the add ! This is my 89 I got it stripped so rather than watch another good bike go to the scrapper I bought it and got creative Introducing the pc800 mad max edition. What y’all think? Not shabby for budget build to rescue this bike?

William Bozza

A new PC800 rat rod: The War Pig

John Norris from the Honda Pacific Coast PC800 Facebook group recently built a new rat rod named The War Pig out of a PC800 bike. Here are a few photos of his wonderful creation!

The War Pig is a really unique bike! John kept part of the front fairing, a cut down windshield, the faux gas tank, and that’s about it. The rest of the plastics are gone for good.
I love the cowhide details on the edge of the fairing and on the seat. The ammo can backrest and the two crates as panniers really make this bike look great.
Here’s the War Pig in front of Mount Shasta on the way to a big adventure! I expect to see John on the highway somewhere in the desert very soon.