Covered Bridges Between Eugene and Roseburg

On Saturday I went on a long bike ride through the hills and mountains south of Eugene to collect some additional covered bridges on my covered bridge project. I saw and snapped photos of Coyote Creek Covered Bridge, Centennial Covered Bridge, Chambers Covered Bridge, Dorena Covered Bridge, Stewart Covered Bridge, Mosby Covered Bridge, Currin Covered Bridge, Pass Creek Covered Bridge, Rochester Covered Bridge, and Cavitt Creek Covered Bridge.

 Along the way, I found an original Oregon Trail covered wagon preserved in Drain, Oregon.

The sign reads: “Oregon Trail 1959.  In honor of Oregon’s one hundredth year of statehood, the Drain chamber of commerce and Mr. R.R. Roundbaugh sponsored the reconstruction of this covered wagon to repeat the rugged journey that brought pioneers to the Pacific Northwest.  On April 19, 1959, in Independence, Missouri, former president Harry S. Truman started the wagon train on their four month trip.  This trip followed as close as possible to the original trail.  Two thousand miles and six states were crossed including Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon to reach their destination at Independence, Oregon on August 14, 1959.”


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