I went for a 3 mile run this evening around the neighborhood. That’s 0.5 miles more than my last run. At this rate, I should be back up to 10 miles per day at a reasonably fast rate within a month.
Quick run around the neighborhood
Early this morning I went on a quick run around the neighborhood to limber up and get back into the swing of daily running. With no class until 2pm, this term should be filled with many early-morning runs. The run was about 2.4 miles long.
Getting ready for snowboarding season
Last night I did about an hour on the tread mill at the gym. 20 minutes of running at 5.5 mph with between a 6 and 3 degree slope (varying). 5 minutes of walking at 3.5 mph. 10 minutes of running at 5.5 mph. 10 minutes of walking at 3 mph on a 15 degree incline. 5 minutes of walking at 3.5 mph on a flat surface. 100 side steps in each direction at about 2 mph. Walking backwards at about 2mph for 5 or so minutes. Emily S happened to be working out at the same time I was there.
Afterward I did some quick chest and arms weights and some abs.
My extreme treadmill time was designed to start getting my legs and core warmed up for the impending snowboarding season. It doesn’t matter that there isn’t any snow at any of the resorts. I still have to get ready!