One of the first things we saw getting into Sarajevo was a Yugo in good condition. It is a remnant of the old days when Yugoslavia was still a going concern.
The river running through Sarajevo.
Buildings in Sarajevo still have bullet holes.
Kristen walking along the river.
A cathedral.
In front of the cathedral there is a very interesting bridge.
An old cathedral in downtown.
Sarajevo has come a long way since the siege.
The shell of a building waiting for renovation.
Interesting graffiti.
An old bridge across the river. This is the Latin Bridge where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. In effect, World War I started at the approach to this bridge.

The latest fashions on display.
A minaret poking up in town.
In the tourist market.

A special Iftar meal.
The old clock tower complete with Persian numerals.

An interesting statue in downtown.
Old men playing chess in the park.
Shell crater in the side of a building.
A peacekeeping vehicle.

Some areas of the city are still waiting to be rebuilt.
Back at our accommodations we listened to the afternoon call to prayer.
An interesting collection of artwork in a garden. This was in front of a technical institute.
The infamous Holiday Inn where war correspondents stayed for three years during the Siege of Sarajevo.
This little convenience store stand is a familiar sight to me. They were quite common in Kosovo.
In the garden of the archeology institute

An interesting art installation.

A dentist’s office.
Sarajevo has some amazing and creative food. We were very happily surprised by what we found.
1984 was the modern high water mark for Sarajevo. Hopefully the city will surpass the acclaim from the Olympics in the future.