The start of school and another CV

School starts for me in another 20 minutes.  This will probably be the last term I have a normal, fully-loaded schedule that includes academic coursework.  While I am only taking two classes, my thesis work, applying for PhD programs, writing journal articles, and taking the GRE are keeping me quite busy.

In general, I really enjoy being busy and productive.  However, the last month or so I’ve been so busy with working 60 to 80 hours a week on all of my academic work, I haven’t hardly had any time to go out and play.  No SCUBA diving for almost a month.  No motorcycle riding for several weeks.  No mountain biking all summer!  Not even rock climbing.

At least I updated my CV again.  This time, I added in some information about a forthcoming journal article and a conference panel I sat on last year.  I also included my membership in PADI and the American Academy for Underwater Science Standards (AAUSS).  That reminds me… I really need to fill out my AAUSS logs for August and send them in soon.