Birds, Divers, Boats, Cannery Row, and Pacific Biological Laboratories

A nice day at San Carlos Beach.
A shorebird on the breakwater rocks.

SCUBA divers heading in at San Carlos Beach.
Literally a dinosaur.
Seawolf II heading out for some whale watching.
Pt. Sur Clipper heading off for whale watching.
Heather looking for otters.
Two seagulls. You can tell they would murder you if given the chance.

Divers heading in.
Groups of divers getting ready to head into the water.
An instructor leading divers in.
Aeneas Sardine Products Co. Inc.

A diver looks out to sea where his buddies are floating. The pocket beach near San Carlos Beach.
World famous cannery row.

Looking the other way down the street.

Pacific Biological Laboratories. There are tours available on the 2nd Saturday of every month.
Looking out back to where the specimens used to be prepared.

Specimen holding tanks.

Looking back on Pacific Biological Laboratories where Ed Ricketts and his friends once worked and played.