Photographing Lions Mane Nudibranchs


In preparation for the big Monterey Shootout Digital Underwater Photography Contest, Heather and I have been doing some diving around Monterey.  We’ve found a reliable spot to locate Lions Mane Nudibranchs.  The white thing that Heather is lighting up is one of those nudibranchs.

Found another one!


Doing macro photography is a challenge underwater.

Heather has really good buoyancy control to make these shots work.

Diving Around Monterey

We have been doing some diving around Monterey after work.  A friend of ours in town has a boat that we occasionally go out on.  Some of the offshore sites are quite fabulous.

A big school of blue rock fish was hanging out on this pinnacle.

Heather hunting for nudibranchs.

A few cup corals.

Some fish watching Heather hunt for nudibranchs.

On the big pipe at San Carlos Beach looking for nudibranchs.

The two of us hunting for stuff.

Nudibranch hunting.


Tons of blue rock fish in the kelp!

Such a magnificent sight!  Blue rock fish everywhere!

They were friendly!

The blue rock fish moving off into the deep.

Diving in Carmel and Monterey

We found a crazy cool salp chain out off of Carmel River Beach.  These are wild animals with a crazy multi generational reproductive cycle.

It got a little crowded underwater for a bit with lots of divers coming over to check out the salp chain.


A diver in the distance beyond some kelp.

Divers swimming through the kelp.


Big fish eating anemone in the foreground.



Coming up at our safety stop, we found a high pressure hose sticking out of the sand.  Immediately we thought we might have found a body.  After digging in the sand, we pulled up the first stage of a reg set.  No body, no other gear.  Who knows how this got out here but here it is!

It’s an ancient Dacor regulator.  This model hasn’t been manufactured since the late 1990s.

Out on the beach at Carmel River.

Heather hanging out with some metridiums on the Monterey side of the bay.

Having a good time underwater while staying dive fit.

Bunch of divers on the surface.

Heather looking at some cool stuff in the kelp.