Captain Nemo’s sub replica and original diving helmet from the movie

I don’t remember where I originally found this, but this blog post directed me to the Vulcania Submarine project. The guys behind it have built a working 1/10th scale replica of Captain Nemo’s submarine from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (the Disney adaptation). They also restored one of the original diving helmets from the movie. It even works! They dove it in Hawaii, probably before sealing it in an air-tight container for preservation.

The start of school and another CV

School starts for me in another 20 minutes.  This will probably be the last term I have a normal, fully-loaded schedule that includes academic coursework.  While I am only taking two classes, my thesis work, applying for PhD programs, writing journal articles, and taking the GRE are keeping me quite busy.

In general, I really enjoy being busy and productive.  However, the last month or so I’ve been so busy with working 60 to 80 hours a week on all of my academic work, I haven’t hardly had any time to go out and play.  No SCUBA diving for almost a month.  No motorcycle riding for several weeks.  No mountain biking all summer!  Not even rock climbing.

At least I updated my CV again.  This time, I added in some information about a forthcoming journal article and a conference panel I sat on last year.  I also included my membership in PADI and the American Academy for Underwater Science Standards (AAUSS).  That reminds me… I really need to fill out my AAUSS logs for August and send them in soon.

Utila Day 6

The dive site map.

The night watchman hiding from the storm.

Alton’s Dive Shop.

The divemaster board.

And with that I headed off to the airport.