Jackie Chan Temples at the Singapore University of Technology and Design

Our hosts at the Singapore University of Technology and Design told us that three small temples on the university grounds were donated by Jackie Chan.  No one seemed to know why they were donated or what their significance was other than being associated with Jackie Chan.

Temple number 2 just as the afternoon thunderstorm rolled in.

Temple number three with an event in progress inside.

Singapore Views

We made it to the Singapore University of Technology and Design to meet with colleagues involved in the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre.  We also went over the the National University of Singapore on another day for meetings there.

Our hotel had good views of downtown Singapore.  The Ferris wheel, the hotel with the pool on the roof, and the flower greenhouses all could be seen from the roof of the hotel.

Every day there’s a little bit of a thunderstorm that rolls through town.

Lots of big buildings all over.  If it weren’t for AC, these buildings would be practically uninhabitable.

Lots of apartments.

National stadium along the old bay.


Flying to Los Angeles

On my way to Singapore for work, I took a few pictures out the plane window flying from Monterey to Los Angeles.  Down there somewhere is my house.

We go diving along that coastline.

We go diving out there, too.

Sunrise somewhere along the way.

Coming into Los Angeles, the City of Freeways.

A few skyscrapers.

Big freeway interchange.

There were some HUGE planes at LAX.  Our little puddle jumper was dwarfed on the runway.