It was finally time for the big event! It was time to get Matt and Courtney married! They chose a wonderful venue at Camp Alice Pittenger, a girl scout camp just outside of McCall.

The reception hall was really pretty and all setup for a great party.

This camp is absolutely gorgeous.

Some of my fraternity brothers playing around out on the boat and swimming docks.

Ceremony area all setup on a little point of land sticking out into the McCall Lake.

Here are all of the brothers of Phi Delta Theta Oregon Beta who attended the wedding. We sure do make a handsome bunch.

Time for the ceremony! The ceremony photos and the photo above of the men of Phi Delta Theta come from Julian K Designs, another Brother in the Bond.

All married and ready to go into the next stage of life! Good luck Court and Red!

The entire wedding party and family. We’re quite the crowd! Another photo from Julian.

I looked very dapper while marrying Matt and Courtney. Thanks again to Julian for the wonderful photo.

Here we are at the party. We had a TON of fun with everyone at the wedding and we’re looking forward to a wedding reunion in a couple years!