The Daydream Mine


On the road to the Daydream Mine.



An old ore car access tunnel.

Looking out across the bleak landscape.



Many small mounds of tailings littered the mine site.

Old bularks atop a shaft.



Looking down the dusty track to the visitor centre and refreshment stand.


Geared up to head into the mine.



Down into the earth.

This really is entering at your own risk.  We had to sign a waiver before we could enter.


Descending deep underground.




An abandoned passage.


What it is like to descend into a mine.


water pipes running down a closed-off passage.





The way the mines were lit before electricity.  Just one candle to a person.


Hammer and chisel to set charges.



Back on the surface.

An old winch system.

Silverton: Mad Max Country


The near-ghost town of Silverton is the scene of many movies and TV commercials.  Perhaps the most famous of movie franchises shot at Silverton is Mad Max.  Yes, this is Mad Max country.

The town has largely been taken over by art galleries and other outfits setup to make a little money on the smattering of tourists that visit.



Perhaps the most important part of any visit to Silverton is a stop at the Silverton Hotel.  Usually at least one Mad Max-inspired car is parked outside.  On this day there were two Police Pursuit Specials on display.




This car replicates the vehicle configuration of Mad Max II.


I don’t quite remember which movie this is inspired from but the Mad Max theme still fits.



Around the side another Police Pursuit Special sits next to one of the original dune buggies used in Mad Max II.


A newer souvenir shop.




The road west from Silverton into the Great Flat of the interior.


Somewhere out there, filming of Mad Max IV was underway when we visited.


An art studio.



There were several VW Beetles converted into pieces of art.


An old church.


A beer bottle cap jeep.



I have since seen a weather rock like this in Toledo, Oregon.


The old school.



Yes, I really was this close to Mad Max’s car!



I need a hood ornament like this on my vehicle.