Soap Creek Valley on a Motorcycle


Heather and I went on a motorcycle ride around the valley.  We stopped briefly in the Soap Creek Valley for some photos and to wait for some rain to pass.

My antique Yamaha XS1100 was loving being woken up from its winter slumber.


Heather with the bike and her beloved “king and queen” seat with the tall banana back.

IMG_6418Me with my trusty old steed.


Old Growth Trail, Soap Creek, and Sushi with Melissa

Melissa and I went on a hike yesterday through the patch of old growth forest that the College of Forestry has built a trail through



Yeah, that’s a tree.

We stopped by the pond full of newts.

And then went on a drive down Soap Creek.  It’s gorgeous out there this time of year.


Afterward we went for some sushi.  The rainbow roll was my favorite on this sushi boat.