Hart Mountain Overlook


Partway up the west escarpment of Hart Mountain, there is a small pullout on the gravel road.  If you walk over the little rise to the west of the pullout, you will have amazing views of the valley and lakes beyond.


Looking out into forever.


Lichen on the rocks.


It is a long way down if you happen to trip and fall.


The Poker Jim Bathtub Ring is visible from the pullout.  It is the transition between dark rock and light sagebrush in the distance.  That marks the high water point when the lakes were full and water plentiful.  Long gone are the days of huge lakes in this part of the world.


Desert wildflowers.

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STA_7323-STM_7335Panorama of the valley to the west of Hart Mountain.

Hart Lake


There are an interesting series of lakes along the western face of the Hart Mountain escarpment near Plush, Oregon.  We stopped briefly at Hart Lake to look for birds and other interesting things.

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The road to Plush.  In the other direction is the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge.


We found some pelicans resting on a spit of land that projects into the lake.


Hart Mountain is in the middle of the photo with Hart Lake in front of it.

STA_7279-STG_7285Looking south toward Plush across the wetlands.