Chief’s Wild Wings


Unfortunately by the time we thought to take pictures, we were already pulling out.  This little place gets amazing reviews online.  I never would have expected a town like Coburg to have such a good burger restaurant!  If you happen to be in the area, I highly recommend a trip.  Just remember to go up to the counter to order your food.

IMG_5981The International Order of the Odd Fellows is the building on the left painted mostly white.  Beyond it is the red building that contains Chief’s Wild Wings.  I wonder if Buffalo Wild Wings knows about this place.


Wreck Outside Oakridge

Just outside Oakridge, we ran into a big wreck on the highway.  A semi truck had gone off the shoulder and taken out a few trees.  It appeared that the driver was standing with the police at the side of the road.  The truck was pretty well obliterated so perhaps we were wrong.

Salt Creek in the Winter but not the Falls


We attempted to go to Salt Creek Falls which can be quite beautiful in the snow.  Sadly the road wasn’t plowed far enough to the parking lot and we didn’t have appropriate footwear (snow shoes and waterproof boots) to make it overland.  As a consolation prize, this beautiful little creek was available.