A big wind storm blasted the Monterey peninsula the other night and cracked our lemon tree in half. We were able to strap it back together until a gardener could come out and bolt it together permanently. So far, it seems like it will survive.
Storm on the bay
With a series of storms pounding the California central coast, the little houseboat that usually is tied to a mooring ball was allowed to come into the inner harbor to shelter. There’s been some pretty big waves and swell as of late so it’s not a bad idea to seek more protected waters especially for the few people who liveaboard full time in Monterey.

Storm coming into the bay

One of the MBARI research vessels came in close to Breakwater overnight to hide from the impending storm.

A squall coming through Monterey. Lots of rain in a short amount of time keeps things green.
Up at Moss Landing at sunset. Surf is picking up a bit.