On the summer solstice, Christy and I ventured out to Bald Hill to take some photos and watch the sun set. I made a time-lapse which is at the end of this post. It turned out pretty well. Someday, I am going to make great time-lapse films when I get a good camera…
It is incredibly lush out at Bald Hill this year. The late rains alternating with hot weather has made the plants go wild.

There were hawks hovering far above us most of the evening, hunting for dinner.
I setup my tripod and camera with extended battery pack to take a time-lapse of the sunset.
Christy took shots with her fancy Nikon camera.
The sun rays bathed the hills and valleys between Bald Hill and Marys Peak in amber golden light as night drew near.
Goodnight sun, hello dusk. And thus ended the longest day of the year. It’s all downhill from here until we hit the depths of winter and the cycle repeats. I’m already looking forward to next summer solstice.
This is the time-lapse I made of the sunset and twilight.