Playing in the Mud in the Tillamook State Forest

My buddy Todd and I took my trusty 4runner out into the Tillamook State Forest to do a little mapping for Trails Off-Road.

We had fun romping around on the Cedar Tree Trail.

Little bit of flex in the old 4runner.

Posing under the famous fallen cedar tree.

A little action on Firebreak Five.

Going on Saddle Up in the fog.  Beautiful views when you’re not in the clouds but pretty spooky in the bad weather.

Heading down through the mud on Saddle Up.

Splashing on through.

Checking out the hard side of 7-Up.

Somewhere on Hogsback.

End of a great day with Todd in the woods.  Until next time!

First Trip in the Tillamook State Forest

I headed out with my new buddy Matt into the Tillamook State Forest to check out a route that goes from Brown’s Camp to Tillamook on trails and gravel roads.

Here’s Matt’s sweet 80 series Land Cruiser.  It’s big enough for his whole family.

Heading up Firebreak Five.

Following Matt down Archer’s Firebreak.

Up at the end of Archers Ridge on the west end with a great view of the western part of the coast range.