
After a cold night spent in a cow pasture north of Amsterdam, Chris and I ventured down into the city.  One of the first sights for us was a canal with boats.

No boat parking.

Super old school drum brakes on a bicycle.

These barricades were sprinkled all over the downtown area.

The outskirts of the Red Light district.  We thought it best to not take pictures in the district as there were many signs and large men indicating that this would not be a permissible activity.

Driving through Amsterdam trying to find our way back to the highway to head south toward Karlsruhe.  We only stopped in for lunch and to check out the downtown before we had to get moving.  Tina was due in Germany in just a day or two!

Miscellaneous Photos


Joey works on some homework in class.


Magrib (sunset) on one of the first few nights of Ramadan. After i took this photo, I ran inside to eat and drink.


Tina, one of the dogs of our house.

The laundry out to dry.



Giovanna and I visited Sidi Bou Said one afternoon and went down to the Gulf of Tunis to get our toes wet.