Front Axle Rebuild on the 4runner

After having some really bad handling with the truck coming back from North Twin Cone Peak, I crawled underneath to check out the front suspension and steering.  Lo and behold, I found the power steering box leaking and the steering arms loosening off of the steering knuckles.

It’s a bit difficult to see but the steering arm is separating from the knuckle!  If it were to come all the way off, the truck would lose steering.  That would be bad at highway speeds.

The passenger steering arm had lost a stud.  It didn’t even break off.  It was just missing.

You can really see the separation on the passenger steering arm from the knuckle.

Luckily I had all of the parts on hand to rebuild the front end from when I was planning to build my old 4runner.  All of these tie rod ends came in very handy.

New bearings.  I decided to throw them in while Iwas at it to have a completely fresh front end.

Working on taking apart the knuckles.

Definitely time for a new inner axle seal.  I went with an Eco Seal from Marlin Crawler.

This part is a real pain in the butt to extract from the truck.  I’m not looking forward to having to take this apart again in the future.

Getting those tie rod ends on and off is a huge pain.  I finally got it done though.  The truck is back together and driving although my steering box keeps going out of adjustment even after being professionally rebuilt twice.  I’m thinking that I may need to replace it eventually.

Sherwin Lake, Chinn’s Lake, Fall River Reservoir, and Loch Lomond Before the Storm



Heather and I went up to see some water today.  Our first stop was Sherwin Lake off of Fall River Road.


Looking down onto Chinn’s Lake below.


Sherwin Lake really is a pretty little place.



Down at Chinn’s Lake near the old miner’s cabin that gets partially submerged by the lake every day.

20160731_125133Looking north along the dam at Chinn’s Lake.


Not much of this cabin is left.



Looking out toward the general direction of Denver from Fall River Reservoir dam.


Fall River Reservoir is also very pretty.


We got up to Loch Lomond right as the clouds opened up and it started dumping buckets.  We tried to wait it out but there were too many black clouds and there was too much rain.

20160731_144558On the way back down to St. Mary’s and Alice, it felt just like home in the Pacific Northwest!



Kingston Peak and Yankee Hill with Jaime and Franziska



I took Jaime and Franziska up for some 4x4ing in my 4runner to show them an enjoyable American pastime.  Jaime is studying at TU Delft and Franziska is a friend of Jaime’s from when they were in high school or early college.


We went up over Yankee Hill and then onward to Kingston Peak.  The mailbox at the top of the first section of road out of St. Marys Glacier and Alice is in good shape although I couldn’t find the guest log.



Jaime and me with the truck.


Someone recently replaced the American Flag that always seems to be up there.


My truck looking great as always.


Don’t stop me now (’cause I’m having a good time)
Don’t stop me now (yes I’m having a good time)
I don’t want to stop at all… yeah!


Looking down the shelf road.


Both Jaime and Franziska took turns driving the 4runner and had an absolute BLAST doing it.


Waiting for a truck to get off the shelf road so we can proceed forward.


My truck sure is great!


My beard matches the truck.


Jaime spied me through the windshield.  I really should label all of my switches and tidy up those lights…