Redcone, Radicall Hill, and Georgia Pass Plus a Couple Goats


The Rising Sun 4×4 Club did a run up Redcone today in honor of 9/11.  A big group of us headed up the trail through some downhill traffic.

The Honey Badger going up and over an obstacle in the trail.

20160911_123410Heading up the trail.

20160911_123506The Honey Badger in the rear view mirror.

Everyone parked up at the lunch spot.


The view from the cockpit of the Albino Rhino.

Back on the trail.


The Honey Badger crawling up the scrambly section.

20160911_140630_richtonehdrRedcone in the distance.

On the ridgeline heading toward the summit.

Up on top.

20160911_142638_richtonehdrSome of our group parked on the summit.

20160911_142808_richtonehdrLooking back on the road we came over.


Heading down the scree slope of Redcone.

The Mighty Red Chili coming down Redcone.

Below the first scree slope.

The south side of Webster Pass below us.  Down on the second switchback there was a recovery underway where a Jeep had rolled down the mountain.


20160911_155554_richtonehdrThe Honey Badger, The Mighty Red Chili, and The Albino Rhino broke away from the main group to go check out Radical Hill.  There are some good guardian obstacles at the bottom of the trail.


Heading up the trail toward the exposed part of the road.

20160911_160655The Mighty Red Chili with Webster Pass and Redcone in the background.

Up on top.

20160911_163332_richtonehdrThe three best friends up on top of Radical Hill.

20160911_164944_richtonehdrHeading toward Breckenridge.

20160911_170318_richtonehdrWe found a couple of friendly mountain goats up on top of the mountain.


Checking out the view.

2733066783439851918At a little mining cabin high above Breckenridge.

20160911_173411_richtonehdrAn old mining headworks near the cabin.

20160911_173746_richtonehdrThe three amigos at the cabin.

20160911_174546_richtonehdrWe blasted down a trail into Breckenridge to have some dinner.

20160911_204403_richtonehdrThe three of us up at the top of Georgia Pass.  We ran up and over in the dark.  It was great fun!

Argentine Pass

20160717_072142_Richtone(HDR)After a great day picking up garbage in the Argentine Basin, we camped overnight down along the creek with another member of Rising Sun 4×4.  The next morning, we got up, made pancakes, and then got underway to head up Argentine Pass.

20160717_072228Our campsite had a fabulous view of the willows and grass along the creek.

20160717_110133_Richtone(HDR)Heading along one of the side roads toward the old town of Waldorf.

20160717_115246The old Santiago Mine site is now closed to the public because it is too heavily contaminated to be safe.  Soon the USFS will remove the topsoil to try and get a handle on the situation.

20160717_115303_Richtone(HDR)Looking toward the general area of Argentine Pass.  It is out of the picture behind the right shoulder of the close mountain.

20160717_115317_Richtone(HDR)Heather with the 4runner at the Santiago Mine site.

20160717_124258_Richtone(HDR)Up on top of Argentine Pass looking down into the basin on the west side.  I need to get out there to explore some of those trails!  The little trail in the foreground is the old wagon road that has all but disappeared.  Now it is a trail that the CDT follows.


20160717_124820_Richtone(HDR)The mountains dwarf my truck.

I’m not sure if the cut off poles were for a power line or for a telegraph line.  Now just stubs remain.



I can’t take enough photos of my truck at neat locations!
