Ain Draham and Around

Up to Ain Draham. We visited the carpet co-op and ate lunch at the bombing boar hotel. We also stopped the car a couple of times in the cork forest. At one place, where we stopped to buy some souvenirs along the side of the road, we took on a young girl for about a kilometer. Her dad had sold us some wooden figures and asked if we could give her a ride to school. She didn’t speak modern standard Arabic so I couldn’t really talk to her very well. She seemed a bit startled by being put in a car with a bunch of foreigners to get a ride to school!


Cork forests.



The line where the mountain meets the sky is also the line between Tunisia and Algeria. At one point, we were just down the hill from it.


About two kilometers out of the cork forest on the road to Bulla Regia, we passed this guy carrying a bunch of sticks. There were several other of these people walking along the side of the road for a couple of kilometers. Fuel sources are scarce outside the forests.


We spent the night in Tabarka with Kellen and Melibe’s family in the hotel/timeshare complex that overlooks the partially finished marina. The next morning, we went up to the fort and around town a bit.


I think these are the same fish that they offered to Giovanna, Heather, and me when we were there back in November!


My hommie in Tabarka. He’s always at the Hotel Novelty or in the bar/tea salon downstairs. You’ll know him when you see him. He speaks four or five languages fluently and is really into herbal supplements.


Our combined families.


Up at the fort.


This dude was putting out a gill net next to the island that the fort sits on.