Several reserve fleet ships next to the USS Hornet.
The USS Hornet nestled in between the reserve fleet.
Into the guts of the ship!
The anchor chains.
An intercom.
A diesel backup generator.
Ship communications.
Levers and knobs.
Endless corridors.
Replica marine rifles.
An Apollo Capsule mock-up pushed into a corner of the flight deck.
The trailer where astronauts used to hang out for a month after they came back from space.
Sean and I at the back of the boat with San Francisco in the background.
This boat was very effective.
In the engine room. Or more precisely, one of the engine rooms.
A part of the ship reserved for Marines.
Pressure vessels for the catapult.
Out on the flight deck.
Looks like a MIG knock-0ff.
Next time I hope to make it up to the bridge.