Utila Day 3

Trying to head out to a dive site on the windward side of the island.  An approaching tropical storm forced us to turn back.  15 foot waves and divers don’t mix very well.

A lot of sediment had been stirred up by the approaching storm.

We stopped on a small outlying island for lunch.

Most of the streets were actually boardwalks.  My dive buddy spotted me some money for lunch as I hadn’t brought any with me on the boat.  No one had mentioned we’d be making a stopover.

I don’t think very many people use that dock anymore.

Our boat tied up and waiting for our return from lunch.

The school of fish was just swimming along doing their thing.

The storm rolled in after we got back to the dock.  It wasn’t technically a hurricane or a tropical storm because we were out of season but it certainly packed some heavy winds and a lot of rain.

Utila Day 1

I stayed at and dove with Altons Dive Center.  This is one of the two boats that the shop runs on their private dock.

The yellow house behind the low long white building is where I stayed in some dormitories.  The red tin roof building on the right is where the bar and restaurant are.  Behind it there is an equipment garage and some classrooms.

Underwater on a dive.

We only had to wear very light (1 or 3 mm) wetsuits.  So nice compared to what I’m used to!

I believe this guy was either Russian or Israeli.  And if I recall correctly, he had a twin brother with him.

The divemaster.  I’m pretty sure she was hungover on just about every dive that she led.



















In the dorm room I shared with seven others.  You never knew who would be sharing beds with who in the morning.  My bunk was on the upper left where the green water bottle is sitting.

Day one of diving complete and my hair was already looking great.