Student Design Contest at IMECE2010

The 2010 ASME Student Design Contest finals were held at IMECE2010.  One of the OSU teams won the regional event back in the spring and was sent on to the finals.

The OSU team waiting to compete.

Another team’s device doing its thing.

The OSU team setting up their device.

Watching it run.

All finished.  Now the hard part… waiting for everyone else to compete so the final scores can be determined.

Some other devices.

This was by far the best name of any device.

Lo and behold, the OSU team won first place!  Good job team!

First place!

Vancouver Giants Hockey Game

We got some front-row tickets to a Vancouver Giants hockey game.  The Cannucks were on the road which is why we didn’t see them but I have to say, junior league hockey is pretty awesome.

A mini blimp was flying around inside the arena dropping tshirts onto people.

First period.

One of the several fights.  The refs let the fights go on until they start hitting places that might cause damage.

Refs getting involved.

Pipsqueeks playing a mini game in between the first and second periods.

The future of Canada’s hockey game.

A Zamboni refinishing the ice.

We were super close to the ice.  Just a thin sheet of lexan separated us from the players and the flying puck.

Some real live Canadians watching the game next to us.  The guys just past the kids must have drank well over $100 worth of beer during the game.  They had a mountain of cups piled up on the ledge by the lexan.  A player smashed into the barrier and sent all the cups flying.

Tshirt cannon on a UTV on the ice.

They did lots of awesome power slides.

The home-town team didn’t win but it was still a good game.  The game went into overtime and then into a final shootout.