VaultPress Saves the Day Again!

A few days ago, I updated the Tarski theme that I use on my website to the latest and greatest version. My custom CSS file and header image disappeared once again. And once again, I ignored the recommended procedure of backing up the custom theme files. Luckily, I subscribe to VaultPress.

After a couple of clicks on the VaultPress dashboard, I had the files I needed and was able to restore my site to its normal design. Without VaultPress, I would have had to rebuild my custom CSS file from an outdated backup. I also would have had to dig around in old backups to find my custom header image. VaultPress not only saved me the pain of reconstructing my custom CSS but also saved me the time that I would have had to invest in doing that. Considering how important it is to have a functional, professional-looking website in today’s world, I am very happy that I subscribe to VaultPress.

As I have stated several times in the past, my blog is my memory. Everywhere I go and everything I do that is significant to me is posted here. If I were to lose my blog posts, it would be like losing family albums, my diary, and all of my important records in a devastating house fire. Even with my (at times lax) periodic backup snapshots that I keep locally, I have great peace of mind knowing that VaultPress keeps continuous snapshots being kept in a secure facility separate from my hosting and separate from my local backups. Thanks VaultPress! Keep up the good work!

VaultPress Saves the Day!

Yesterday I upgraded the Tarski theme on my website to the latest version.  In the process, my custom style file and header image were deleted.  Today when I went to check on things, I realized that my site was broken and quickly discovered the reason.  At work, I don’t have a snapshot of my site readily accessible.  But I do have VaultPress.

Through a few clicks, I was able to download a snapshot of the themes directory from the day before I upgraded Tarski.  A few more clicks, and those files were uploaded back to my server.  My site is once again fully functional.

Thank you, VaultPress, for providing such a robust, easy to use service!  Rather than having my site down for the rest of the day, I was able to fix the theme problems and get it back up and running in under five minutes.  In my opinion, that is well worth the monthly subscription fee.  And that’s saying something considering that I’m a poor, starving graduate student.

As I have said before, my blog is my memory.  Everywhere I go and everything I do that is significant is posted here.  Were I to lose it, it would be like having the family albums, my diary, and all of my records burn in a fire.  Even with periodic backup snapshots kept locally, I have much better peace of mind knowing that there is a continuous backup being kept in a secure facility.

What VaultPress means to me

This morning I used the Golden Ticket I received from DreamHost to purchase the basic VaultPress plan.  Do a quick Google search if you don’t know what VaultPress is and what it does.

Initially when I first heard of VaultPress and later when I got my Golden Ticket, I didn’t want to spend an extra $15 a month on a backup service when I already backup my database and have old snapshots of my WP installation.  Why would I want to pay more money when I already pay that much for my DreamHost account?  I’m an impoverished grad student.  That $15 could go toward beer or food.

Finally it dawned on me what VaultPress really is.  It’s insurance.  Just like car insurance or renters insurance.  In fact, it’s better.  Were I to get in a car accident, I would have to pay a deductible before the insurance would start paying out.  With VaultPress, I only pay $15/month and have zero “deductible.”  If something happens to my WP install, a few mouse clicks and I can restore it to its proper condition.  And just like car insurance, there are several tiers of service.  If I had the money, I’d go for the $40/month “pro” plan for peace of mind.  It’s the same for my motorcycle insurance.  If I had the money, I’d pay the extra to have full coverage .

So when you get your Golden Ticket, don’t think of it as a backup service.  Think of it as insurance.