At the edge of the Thang Long Royal Citadel is the old Flag Tower. Even today, it still flies the flag of Vietnam.
An important fellow.
Barb wire from the old days.
Big tree-lined boulevard.
Into the Thang Long Royal Citadel.
Old military equipment left over from the recent unpleasantness with the United States of America.
The main building from times long ago.
Big bell.
Steph really wanted to ring the bell.
Famous dragon stairs.
Inside the museum.
A map of attack plans from the recent troubles with the USA.
In the room where the big shots planned how to kick out the French, the Americans, and a few other countries as well.
The stairs down to the bunkers.
Through double blast doors.
Old radio equipment from the Soviet Union.
Small staircase!
An old citadel gate.
Up above the gate.
An interesting window screen made out of rock.
An old piece of equipment from the recent American problems.
A phone used to call in orders to field commanders.
The man himself, Ho Chi Minh.
Another big bell.
A really neat water feature.
Old and new together.