Gallery2 hiccups, barfs, and then recovers

I had a few hiccups today with uploading photos to my Gallery2 installation. Documentation of what happened is on the Gallery2 forums. There still are some annoyances that I run into while using Gallery2. For instance:

  • Not being able to batch rotate photos based on EXIF data after they are uploaded and inserted into an album. Seriously. That shouldn’t be so hard to implement!
  • Not being able to add more than about 50 photos at a time without the program barfing (this might be a Dreamhost limitation but really should be addressed in the Gallery2 core since I imagine many people use a similar shared hosting setup).
  • Not having support for AVI movies in FireFox.  To play them, people using FireFox either have to wade through support FAQ’s for Gallery2 to find some obscure FireFox plugin (that didn’t work for me, by the way), or they have to edit something in their quicktime plugin installs, or just use Internet Explorer.  That is not a very good solution if you ask me.
  • To be able to watch a movie, the permissions on it must be set to “view all” for the Everyone group.  I like to keep my original-sized images to myself and want to just be able to set all of the permissions for all of the albums once.
  • Watermark issues!  It seems that my albums like to have their watermarks vanish periodically.  This is a bit troubling as I want to be able to protect all of my content at least to the extent where people might awknowledge the source of the photos.  I think this might be due to Dreamhost issues with regards to php_memory limits.

All in all, it’s very powerful software.  I just wish they’d change and/or fix these few things.