Wildflower Meadows Along the Fremont Highway


While driving along the Fremont Highway on the way to Lakeview, we encountered a beautiful series of meadows full of seas of wildflowers.


Heather picked one and brought it up to near the car so that we could take a closer look.

IMG_7217 IMG_7216A sea of flowers.  Where is my flower sailing ship?


An Unanticipated Stop on a Long Desert Highway


Just south of the Summer Lake Hot Springs, we encountered a herd of cows being driven up the road by cowgirls.


The cows didn’t have much interest in getting out of our way.

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Further down the road, Zach began to feel ill.  We pulled over so that the steak from the night before could be set free to go commune with nature and run wild.  While Zach was occupied and Vera was helping, Heather and I wandered around on the opposite side of the deserted road to look at the desert.


An old power pole in the middle of nowhere.


A few panoramas of the desert.


Summer Lake Hot Springs


After a wonderful dinner at the Cowboy Dinner Tree, the voyagers headed further into the Oregon Outback to the Summer Lake Hot Springs.  We arrived after dark.  In the morning we woke up to a sunrise and the view you see above.  My oh my what a gorgeous and stark landscape!


This is the original soaking pool, enclosed in an antique barn.  The hot springs come out hot and clear, and with a slight smell of sulfur.


Another view of the hot springs grounds.  There are cabins, trailer sites, and tent sites available at reasonable prices and with access to the hot springs.


Looking toward the collection of cabins, campers, tents, and the hot springs.


After a morning dip, we set out the towels and swim suits on the expedition vehicle to dry.


Inside the bath house.  The sign reads “Respect these healing waters.”


The main soaking pool.


The entire voyage staff in one of the outdoor soaking pools.  As was fashionable at the time, the males were pale and pasty while the women were tan.


The outdoor soaking tubs.


The barn with Summer Lake far in the distance.


Sunrise on the high desert.