The voyage arrived at the Cowboy Dinner Tree outside of Silver Lake, Oregon. This interesting restaurant has long been a favorite of mine. Not only do you have to call weeks or months in advance to get a table but you also have to select either a chicken or a beef dinner. The only other choice you get is between coffee, iced tea, pink lemonade, or water. What a delicious hidden restaurant in the middle of nowhere!
The rustic restaurant is more of a ramshackled shack than a fine dining establishment. Don’t be fooled! This is a world-class steak house.
The second biggest decision you have to make at the Cowboy Dinner Tree is what you should drink. Your choices are water, iced tea, pink lemonade, or coffee.
The first course was a family-style salad. Vera gives it the thumbs-up.
Next is a cowboy stew and huge dinner rolls. Yum!
The next course is a massive steak or an entire chicken. Everyone at our table chose steak. It was a wise decision. And yes, that is a MASSIVE baked potato with sour cream.
Zach approves of the steak… for now.
The final course is ice cream and a piece of pie or shortbread (depending upon the time of year). Yes, it was delicious.
In the winter it is a good idea to request the table next to the stove.
Looking down the windowed-in porch near the entrance.
The kitchen. Since I was here last they have gotten electricity. It appears that the lights are powered off a solar panel and some DC batteries.
After we finished eating we found a beautiful sunset in progress.
Heather climbed into a little saloon.
Until next time, Cowboy Dinner Tree!