TGPCHPCMY2KMR + 21: The September 2021 Edition
Join us for the 20th+1 Anniversary ride in 2021…
Editor’s Note: With Leland Sheppard’s June 2019 journey on his final Iron Butt Ride, I have taken over maintenance and upkeep of Leland’s massive wealth of PC800 knowledge including the TGPCHPCMY2KMR website. While things will never be the same without Leland, we are going to continue holding the annual ride up and down the west coast of America in his honor. If you would like to help me organize the ride, please get in touch. I could really use the help to make this ride a continued success.
For some people, a road is more than just a strip of pavement connecting where they are with where they want to be. It’s the reason for leaving home in the first place.
The Amalfi Drive in Italy is a road like that. The Blue Ridge Parkway is too.
And so is Highway 1 in California, that magical ribbon of blacktop that snakes along the very edge of the continent. The place this motorcycle is named for. The Pacific Coast.
The preceding quote is from the 1994 Honda Pacific Coast Motorcycle brochure, copyright American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Over the years, the ride evolved into three separate editions:
The “Classic” edition which starts in Eureka, California and proceeds southward on CA1, the Pacific Coast Highway, the highway for which our bikes were named. This edition has normally occurred on odd numbered years and, thus, was run every other year including: 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015,2020,2021. The itinerary for this edition is here.
The “Northern” edition which started in Fort Bragg, California and proceeded northward on CA1 and continued through northern California, Oregon and Washington on US101 which, historically, has also been considered part of the Pacific Coast Highway. This edition was alternated on even numbered years with the Sierra edition: 2006, 2010. The itinerary for this edition is here.
The “Sierra Nevada” edition which was based in Cameron Park, California and which consisted of 5 daily loops through the Sierra Nevada mountain range, starting and ending each day in Cameron Park. This edition was alternated with the Northern edition on even numbered years: 2008, 2012, 2014. The itinerary for this edition is here.
Join other Honda Pacific Coast owners from all over the world in September of 2021 for the 20th+1 Anniversary ride for Pacific Coasts on the Pacific Coast Highway, the highway for which our bike was named.
That year, 2021, we will once again ride south on California 1.
The riders will gather in Eureka, California on Saturday and Sunday, September 11-19, 2021.
The ride will start south from Eureka, California on Monday, September 13, 2021 just above the northern end of California 1.
The ride will end in San Clemente, California on Friday, September 17, 2021 at the southern end of California 1.
Riders will have the weekend of September 18-19 of September, 2021 to return to their homes.
Please note that this ride is open only to Honda Pacific Coast (PC800) owner’s and their guests. It is NOT an open ride. Thanks for your understanding. In the year 2021, we are opening the ride to include friends of Leland Sheppard in honor of the patriarch of the PC800 community. Please contact me if you have any questions: douglas.vanbossuyt@gmail.com
The Next Ride:
- The Itinerary for 2021 – details/maps/lodging links
- Sign up sheet for 2021 – won’t you join us?
- See who has already signed up for 2021
- Dinner(s)/Lunch/Group Photo Signup List for 2021
- What to expect on the ride
- Ride Bulletins for 2021
- Suggestions for the Ride for 2021
- Ride Rules of the Road
- Liability Waiver – please read this, sign this, and get it back to me. All riders and passengers are required to sign.
Ever wondered what the stretch of the PCH between Monterey and San Luis Obispo through the famed Big Sur is like from the seat of a PC800? Wonder no more! Here are two videos (one facing forward and one facing rearward) that give you the closest experience you can have to riding the road in person.
Past Rides:
- Y2K+21 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+20 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+15 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+14 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+13 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+12 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+11 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+10 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+9 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+8 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+7 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+6 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+5 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+4 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+3 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+2 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K+1 Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K Ride Trip Reports and Photos
- Y2K-1 Ride Trip Report
Leland Sheppard’s Photos of Past Rides
Stuff to Buy:
Contact me about this web site: Douglas.VanBossuyt@gmail.com